The Ultimate Guide for Buying Your First Pair of Running Shoes [infographic]


When you go shopping for a pair of running shoes, you need to look for something that will provide both comfort and durability. Running shoes need to fit well, provide mobility for your foot and ankle, and protect from potential hazards. They also need to be able to “breathe,” providing ventilation that keeps your feet from getting overheated. If you are buying your first pair of running shoes, check out these guidelines to make sure you get the right pair for you.

Start at a Specialty Store or Website

While plenty of generic shoe stores offer running shoes, you should start at a store or website that specializes in runners’ needs. In a brick and mortar store, this gives you a chance to talk with sales representatives and try on the wide range of different options available. If you choose to shop online, you can check out numerous customer reviews and get advice from experienced runners. Targeting a specialty store allows you to tap into a vast amount of experience and expertise, and it also gives you a chance to view sales targeted at people with specialty needs. By going through this process, you come away more knowledgeable, even if you visit a generic store afterwards.

Check for Flexibility

While normal shoes don’t have to be particularly flexible, running shoes need to be able to provide your foot with maximum mobility. Many people find a pair of shoes that have a good tread and some breathable netting and assume that’s all they need, but those people will usually find themselves with aching feet later on. The ideal running shoe needs to be able to bend significantly when you land on the balls of your feet, but needs to do so in a way that doesn’t cause cracking in the sole. When you pick up a pair of shoes, bend them backwards from the toe. If the shoe seems stiff or inflexible, it isn’t the brand you need.

Consider the Tongue

Not many people realize that the tongue of a running shoe is of the utmost importance. You need the tongue to provide padding and stability to the top of the foot, as this helps keep your foot comfortable over long distances while also providing important stability and support. The ideal tongue is wide enough to cover the top of your foot and soft enough that you don’t feel any rub against your foot and the laces. At the same time, you need to be able to pull the laces tight and make sure the shoe doesn’t slide around on your foot. Finding the right balance of comfort and stability is the key to making sure you have a good running shoe.

Most people who are buying their first pair of running shoes tend to overlook these basic steps and settle for a generic shoe that won’t provide them with the long-term comfort they need. If you keep the advice above in mind, you’ll find your performance and running ability working at a much higher level than it normally would.

Tips for Choosing the Right Shoes for Your Next Ski Holiday [infographic]


Whether you’ve never been skiing before or you’re an expert at the sport, the right shoes play an integral role in not only your comfort, but also your safety and performance. Here are some tips for choosing the right shoes for your next ski holiday.


If there’s one thing that’s true for everyone when it comes to choosing shoes for a ski holiday, it’s the fact that you need warm shoes. For this particular purpose, you’ll want something with thick insulation and perhaps even a fur lining that keeps the cold out while it traps your natural body heat. The Timberland E K Mid boot is a great choice since it not only offers you a lot of PrimaLoft insulation, but it also contains a thick recycled PET microfiber fur lining. The Allpine Dream boot is another fantastic option with its thermal fleece lining that will keep you toasty down to -20 degrees Celsius. You can rest assured that your toes will stay nice and warm in either of these two fantastic shoes.


Everyone knows that wet feet and cold simply do not mix, so you should choose shoes for your ski holiday that keep the moisture and cold at bay. One of the best choices is the Hunter Original tall quilted boot, which is waterproof almost all the way to your knees. The durable construction makes it a must-have not only for skiing, but for any activity on cold, wet days. The boot offers an adjustable top to keep the snow out when walking through drifts, its long length provides extra warmth, and the rubber sole helps you keep your grip when you walk on slippery surfaces.


When it comes to walking around in the snow, you need a boot that offers a great fit. Sometimes, being able to customize the way your boot fits your foot goes a long way in keeping you safe. A great choice is the Keen Brixen boot, which offers you a customizable fit not only on the top of your foot, but also at your calf. This helps you keep the snow and ice out of your shoes, and it makes sure that your boots do not slip and slide on your feet as you walk. The boot offers a waterproof lining and rubber sole to give you excellent grip in icy or snowy conditions, too.


Although warmth, fit, and the ability to keep water away from your skin is all very important, sometimes you need a shoe that offers unprecedented style. This year, it’s all about leather and suede, and the Ecco Trace boot is a prime example. You can get this boot in a variety of colors, including Birch, Moon Rock, Black, and Amber, and the fur lining colors complement the color of the leather and suede. These boots are treated with Hydromax to repel water, and the comfortable wool lining keeps you warm while offering breathability.

As you can see, choosing shoes for a ski holiday does not have to be a daunting task. Above all else, it is important to consider the fit, the warmth, and the water repellant properties of the shoe. Of course, a little bit of style is important, as well.

5 Tricks to Wearing High-Heeled Shoes without Pain

According to many of Hollywood’s biggest fashionistas, pain and beauty go hand in hand – particularly when it comes to your shoes. If you love the way high heels look but you simply cannot tolerate another pinched toe or callus, take heed; these tips can take away the high heel pain.

1 – Buy the Right Size

When you wear your shoes for more than an hour or so at a time, your feet will naturally swell. This means that if your favorite pair of stilettos feel tight when you put them on in the morning, you’re really going to be in for it later in the afternoon. Be sure to try on your shoes at the end of the day rather than in the morning. This will allow you to choose your heels when your foot is at its largest.

2 – Add Some Platform

Those strappy heels might be absolutely beautiful, but wearing them all day long might not be realistic. If you want (or need) to pull off a decent-sized heel for more than a couple of hours at a time, consider buying a shoe that offers a cushioned platform at the sole. Not only does this prevent pain at the bottom of your foot since the ball of your foot is supporting the majority of your weight, but it also reduces the overall incline of your foot to make the entire shoe feel more comfortable.

3 – Add an Insert

If your favorite pair of heels just doesn’t offer you the cushion you want, you can always add some. Inserts are great for making your shoes feel more comfortable, and you can find them for almost any shoe imaginable. Heels are certainly no different, but remember that the majority of the pressure is going to be on the ball of your foot. A simple cushioned pad can go a long way toward relieving (or at least putting off) discomfort and pain during extended wear.

4 – Learn to Walk in Heels

This may sound silly, especially if you’ve been wearing heels for decades. However, think about it for a second: when you walk, you probably let your feet take the lead. They swing out first, and the rest of your leg follows suit. The next time you put on a pair of heels, try to let your thighs take the lead instead of your feet. You might have to practice for a while, but you’ll soon find that there is far less pressure on the balls of your feet. Another benefit? Moving your legs from your hips and leading with your thighs will give you a glamourous gait.

5 – Try Thicker Heels

The narrower the heel on your shoe, the more pain it causes. After all, if your heel cannot support your weight, then the balls of your feet have to do the job. When you choose a thicker heel, you can essentially redistribute your center of gravity a bit, which can go a long way toward relieving pressure and pain. If you need a taller shoe but you want to truly maximize your comfort, try a high wedge instead of a heel.

High heels are indeed beautiful, but with that beauty often comes pain. Despite what the television might tell you, this does not have to be the case. Follow the tips and tricks above, and before you know it, you’ll find that wearing high heels doesn’t have to be such a pain at all.

Importance of Selecting the Proper Training Footwear

Training footwear, commonly referred to as “sneakers” or “tennis shoes”, play a vital role in all of your fitness endeavors. Not only do you need support, but you also need safety and the right shoe for the right activity. Here are some reasons why you should take the time to select the right training footwear.

Different Types of Shoes

The terms training footwear, sneakers, and tennis shoes are generally all-encompassing terms used to describe shoes that people wear during physical activity. Some of these include:

  • Running shoes, which offer built-in shock support for running or jogging and lightweight design for walking.
  • Aerobic shoes, which provide you with shock absorption and extra cushion at the ball of the foot.
  • Tennis shoes, which have flexible soles to allow for quick movement.
  • Basketball shoes, which have high tops and thick soles to protect the ankles and feet when jumping.
  • Cross-trainers, which are ideal for individuals who participate in a variety of activities.

Choosing a Training Shoe

Given the information above, the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society recommends choosing a shoe based on the types of activities you participate in most often. For instance, if you play basketball three days a week, you need a basketball shoe. Conversely, if you run a couple of days a week but participate in aerobics, a cross-trainer might be better suited for your needs. Make sure to try your shoes on in the afternoon or evening after your workout when your feet are largest, and make sure to wear your usual sports socks so you get the right fit.

Benefits of the Right Shoes

Many of the most common activities and sports can cause significant injuries over time. When you wear the right shoes, you not only lessen the strain of the impact, but you can also protect your ankles and the balls of your feet from heavy landings. Certain shoes may even enhance your performance during certain activities, too. For instance, if you play tennis, the flexible soles of tennis shoes can enable you to move your feet more quickly so that you can return the ball more accurately.

When to Replace Your Training Footwear

You need to replace even the highest quality footwear from time to time. When your shoes wear out, they no longer give you the protection and performance benefit you need. You should always judge wear by the appearance of the mid-sole of your shoe. This area will show damage and wear before any other area, and when it starts to show significant signs of wear, it is time to replace your shoes. You should replace running shoes, for instance, after every 500 miles or whenever the midsoles start to show significant wear. Simply inspecting the treads of your shoes is not a good indicator of wear.

Choosing the proper training footwear not only provides you with additional comfort, but it can protect you from injury and even enhance the way you perform your activities. It is important to choose the right shoe for the activity and be sure to replace your shoes when they begin to wear, as they no longer protect you.

5 Steps to Choose the Right Comfortable Shoes for You [infographic]


When it comes to footwear, comfort is very important. Whether you are selecting a new running shoe, a work boot, or a formal high-heel sandal, it is important that you keep your feet comfortable and healthy. Here are five steps to making sure that you choose the right comfortable shoes for you.

Step 1 – Buy the Right Size

All too often, people who have a hard time finding truly comfortable footwear are buying the wrong size shoes. Remember that size is often more than just the length of the shoe; sometimes, you need to take the width into consideration, too. This is especially true if you have especially narrow or wide feet since the arch supports cannot work properly unless they are positioned under the right part of your foot. When your shoes do not fit as they should, you end up with pinched toes, blisters, and even sore legs and joints.

Step 2 – Check for Exposed Seams, Rubber, or Leather

Everything seems perfect on the outside of the shoe, but what about the inside? If you put your hand inside the shoe and feel seams, you can rest assured that your feet will feel them too. You do not want openings that press down on the top of your foot, leather that rubs against your heel, or a seam in the toe box that puts a blister on the tip of your big toe. These can make shoes unwearable, so make sure to check for them.

Step 3 – Be Mindful of Your Toes

Speaking of toes, while some of the most fashion-forward shoes these days contain incredibly pointed toes, make sure that the toe box gives your toes enough wiggle room. Crushing your toes together is never a good idea, and no matter what others might say, you should never compromise your feet for fashion. Plenty of styles with pointed toes offer a substantial toe box, and if you cannot find one, consider buying shoes with round, oval, or squared-off ends that are still fashionable, but also much more comfortable.

Step 4 – Don’t Forget Your Arches

There is a time and a place to wear flats, but if your flats truly fall flat and provide you with zero arch support, you might be in for a world of hurt. Make sure that your shoes are supportive, whether they are running shoes or a pair of casual pumps. Although ballet flats might be alright for an hour or two, you certainly would not want to stand in them all day long. Comfort is all about support, so arch support is an absolute necessity.

Step 5 – Try Them On

When everything else seems to be okay, be sure to try the shoes on and walk a few steps in them. Does anything pinch or rub? Does your arch feel supported? Are your toes crushed? If so, don’t buy those shoes, or return them to the seller. What’s more, remember that sizes are not universal in some cases. One manufacturer’s size 7 may be up to an inch larger than another manufacturer’s size 7.

As you can see, buying comfortable shoes can be something of a process. However, when you take the time to make sure that you are getting a good buy, your feet will thank you in the end.

5 Types of Shoes to Have in Your Closet [infographic]


There are some people out there who have a pair of shoes for each day of the year. Some others seem to get by on just two or three pairs for different occasions. For the most part, there are five types of shoes that every woman should have in her closet, and they are enough to cover every occasion.

1 – Black Pumps

Never mind the stiletto, and forget about those thick double soles. Instead, find yourself a pair of pointy-toed black pumps and call it a day. These are some of the most versatile shoes you will ever own. You can pair them up with your most formal dress, or you can wear them with a nice pair of jeans to add a little flair. Choose wisely; make sure your pumps are comfortable, easy to clean, and durable.

2 – Sneakers

Everyone needs a pair of sneakers for their morning jog, marathon shopping trips, or any time when comfort takes precedence. However, there’s no need for your sneakers to be anything but stylish. White sneakers are incredibly versatile, and you can pair them up not only with your yoga pants for your morning run or tip to the gym, but also with a cute skirt and cardigan for that trip to the mall.

3 – Sandals

There are thousands upon thousands of sandal styles. You have your thongs, your lace-ups that rise to your mid-calf, your highly embellished sandals with huge flowers and clunky accessories, and even your brightly-colored options that match a single blouse in your entire wardrobe. All you truly need is one minimalistic pair of flat sandals in black, tan, silver, or gold. They are versatile enough for vacation or work, and they pair well with most anything in your warm-weather wardrobe.

4 – Ballet Flats

The black pumps are nice and all, but spending a 12-hour day in three- or four-inch heels is enough to make anyone’s calves scream for relief. Ballet flats give you more versatility than any other type of shoe out there, and they are also quite comfortable. While black will give you more options as far as pairing your flats with your wardrobe, you might also choose red, brown, or even olive green if it will pair well with some of your favorite pieces. Pair your flats with a nice dress at a wedding or a pair of cutoff jeans during summer trips to the beach.

5 – Ankle Boots

Ankle boots are almost the perfect shoe. They look great with dresses and skirts in the summer, but you can also pair them up with leggings and jeans in the winter to keep warm and look stylish all at the same time. What’s more, you can incorporate a bit of flair into your boot purchase, too. Go a little country, or get an industrial feel with a chunky zipper. The choice is yours.

As you can see, while having 200 pairs of shoes may seem like every woman’s dream, in a realistic world, you only need the five types of shoes listed here to get you through every day, every season, and every event. Of course, chances are good that you’ll continue to splurge here and there, but these five styles are timeless, go-to staples.

Ultimate Winter Boots Buying Guide

Buying winter boots might seem like a no-brainer to some, but others want to make sure that they spend their money on a high-quality style that never lets them down. Here is your ultimate guide to buying winter boots that are both stylish and functional.

1 – Style

No boot in the world is going to suit your needs (or even make its way out of your closet) if you don’t like the way it looks. No matter how nice the price tag or the number of warm, protective features a boot offers, if it isn’t stylish, then it isn’t worth your money. The good news is that there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of options. Try narrowing down your selection by finding the features that you want most (warmth, comfort, waterproof, etc.) and then considering the aesthetic appeal.

2 – Warmth

Winter boots should keep your feet warm at all times. After all, if your feet are cold, the rest of your body soon follows. In most cases, you will want to pay close attention to the lining material in the boots. Materials like acrylic, wool, and even polypropylene act as insulation to trap your body heat and keep the cold from getting in. Boots with Thinsulate protection are also a great choice when you do not want a boot with a lot of lining.

3 – Comfort

Comfort is always important, whether you are buying boots to wear to the office or you need a good pair of warm work boots for outdoor tasks. Look for a boot that supports the arch of your foot and offers a good lacing system so you can customize the fit. Be especially careful with boots that you simply pull on rather than lace up; these offer beautiful style, but they may lack a little in terms of comfort.

4 – Waterproofing

Waterproofing is a necessity for anyone who works outside in the winter, but even if you do not, you want a boot that will keep the slushy snow from soaking your feet. If you need protection from snow, ice, sleet, and rain, look for a boot with a gusseted tongue and a cuff that keeps snow from entering. If you work outside, consider looking for a winter boot with a gaiter that extends up your calf (sometimes to the knee) to block even more wetness and give you more warmth.

5 – Traction

One of the biggest things to consider in your boot purchase is the traction. Oftentimes, beautiful dress boots offer little to no protection from slips and falls. You need to pay attention to the size of the lugs on the soles of the boot. The larger and deeper the lugs, the better traction you’ll get. What’s more, although many manufacturers make the soles out of rubber, remember that not all rubber is the same. Some tends to harden in cold temperatures, especially rubber mixed with carbon, causing slickness on ice.

There is certainly a lot that goes into buying winter boots, but as long as you understand the different features they offer, you can make educated decisions based on your unique needs. Someone who works outside in the cold needs much different boots than someone who walks from a car or cab into an office each day, but warmth, waterproofing, and comfort are always important factors.

Best Shoes for Flat Feet [infographic]


Whether the soles of your feet are flat due to genetics or the effects of gravity over the years, this can have a significant impact on the way you walk, which in turn affects your overall well-being. The good news is that you can purchase shoes and inserts that can help provide the arch support you need to feel comfortable once again.

Why Are Flat Feet Problematic?

The arch in your foot is a natural shock absorption system. As you walk or run, this curvature in your bones cushions the impact on your hips, knees, ankles, and feet. Some people have especially high arches, and others have no arch at all. These individuals are said to have “flat feet”. People with flat feet tend to turn their ankles inward as they walk, which can lead to significant fatigue and even pain. Fortunately, buying shoes that offer plenty of support can relieve these ailments and help you feel better.

Support Shoes

If you have flat feet, you should avoid wearing shoes that provide absolutely no support. Some examples include ballet flats, flip-flops, and other shoes with flat bottoms. When you shop for shoes in a store, online, or otherwise, you should look for options that mention “Added Support” or “Natural Support”. These are designed to help position the foot to provide natural arch comfort. In short, they do what your natural arch should.

Increased Stability

People who have flat feet typically have pronated ankles. Because their feet lack natural arches, their ankles tend to fall (or turn) inward toward one another. This can put undue stress not only on the ankles, but also on the knees, hips, and back. Stability shoes can correct the pronation by not only lifting the arch, but also by holding up the inside of the ankle and keeping it stable.

Motion Control

Another important factor to consider if you have flat feet is motion control. These shoes offer unsurpassed support and control, and they keep your ankles straight rather than allowing them to turn inward, or pronate. A firm foam injected into the side of the arch and extended to the heel offers you more support than a traditional shoe would. Most brands of running and walking shoes offer motion control models, but some boot and casual shoe manufacturers are incorporating motion control into their lines, as well.


If you have a favorite pair of shoes that just do not offer the support you need, consider purchasing some orthotic inserts. Although these inserts typically do not perform as well as high-end support and stability shoes, they do go a long way toward making your existing shoes feel better on your flat feet. Several manufacturers make them these days, and you can find hard plastic insoles or softer foam and gel. They generally last between six and 12 months before you need to purchase a new pair.

You do not have to sacrifice comfort and style just because you happen to have flat feet. You can purchase inserts for all of your favorite shoes, or you can buy new shoes that offer motion control, stability, and arch support to help boost your overall comfort and relieve the pain associated with flat feet.

Trendiest Unisex Slippers of 2015

Although your shoes can certainly make a statement when you wear them out in public, they also serve a vital purpose when you wear them at home. Slippers are all about warmth and comfort during the colder months, and some of the hottest trends for 2015 come in unisex styles.

Unisex Slipper Features

slippersThis season, it is all about softness, comfort, warmth, and color. You can find several styles of unisex slippers that will suit your needs, but all of the most popular have the following outstanding features:

  • Soft, non-skid sole for comfort as well as protection
  • Impressively soft outer for comfort
  • 100% natural wool material
  • Lightweight for portability and travel
  • Unisex sizes to fit men and women alike

The #1 Slipper Company – Glerups

Glerups started as a hobby but quickly became a mainstream trend in Canada. A Danish woman named “Nanny” Glerups began shearing her own sheep back in 1993 to create hand-sewn slippers to keep her family’s feet warm. Over time, she began giving her slippers as gifts, and the demand grew. Today, Glerups is one of the most popular slipper companies in the world, and the original owners are still responsible for the company’s success today.

Plenty of Options

Glerups manufactures slippers for women, men, and children, but their unisex slippers are by far the most popular choices in 2015. They come in three different styles, too. For the ultimate comfort, choose a boot style that fits over the ankle. If you prefer a below-the-ankle fit, Glerups also offers booties. Finally, for those who want the ease of a slip-on shoe, the company’s clog slippers provide just the right benefit. These slippers come in a rainbow of colors to make everyone smile, as well. You will find black, gray, red, and blue, just to name a few.

All-Natural Products

One of the main things that sets Glerups apart from its competitors is the company’s dedication to all-natural materials. From the 100% wool upper to the double-layered inner that offers you lots of cushion with every step, and even to the all-natural leather or rubber soles for even more comfort and versatility, everything comes directly from the Earth with as little processing as possible.

Breaking Them In

When you purchase your first pair of Glerups slippers, you might notice that they shed from time to time. This is completely natural. The heaviest wool fibers will work their way out over time to leave behind a soft felt material that will hold up to years and years of wear. Although these slippers are incredibly popular as house shoes, they are also perfect for quick jaunts outside thanks to the non-slip rubber sole option. In fact, many people purchase two pairs – one with each type of sole.

When you want the hottest slippers of 2015, whether for yourself or as a gift, then Glerups unisex slippers are one of the best choices. The natural materials and soft insides keep your feet warm and comfortable, and there is nothing else like them on the market today.

Best Shoes for Amateur Fishing [infographic]

Best-Shoes-for-Amateur-FishingWhen it comes to outdoor events and hobbies, nothing is more important than a good-fitting, high-quality pair of shoes. Amateur fishing may seem like a leisure hobby, but keeping your feet warm and dry is not always easy. Here are some of the best shoes for Amateur fishing from five of the world’s most popular brands.

Cushe Shoes

If you want warmth, Cushe Shoes is one of the best brands out there. They offer several styles to suit your needs and preferences, too. The Allpine boot series boasts features like thermal fleece, waterproof suede uppers, and non-slip treads to keep you safe and secure during all of your fishing endeavors. They come in different lengths, too. Some hit the bottoms of your calves and others climb nearly to the bottoms of your knees for additional support, warmth, and water protection.

KEEN Shoes

Three different boots from KEEN Shoes are sure to fit all of your amateur fishing needs. The first, Targhee Mid D Earth, is a hiking boot designed for drier conditions when you need comfort and traction. It comes in various colors, too. The second, the Brixon boot, offers a taller upper and a waterproof design that is perfect for shallow wading or other conditions when keeping your feet dry is important. Finally, the Blackcomb Bison boot offers you rugged durability in a high-top hiking boot in a variety of colors.

New Balance Shoes

Although New Balance Shoes are famous for sneakers and running shoes, their boots provide the perfect balance between practicality and comfort for amateur fishing, too. Several designs for men and women alike give you support and flexibility with high-quality materials that will last for years. They provide you with extra traction on difficult terrain, particularly in muddy conditions.

Ecco Shoes

Ecco Shoes offers many different types of boots for almost any situation you can imagine, but the best for amateur fishing are the Darren and Howell series. They have the same rugged durability as your favorite pair of work boots, but they offer unparalleled comfort and a waterproof, durable design that will keep your feet dry for years to come. The above-ankle height gives you ample protection, and they come in various colors to suit your own personal style.

Merrell Shoes

Merrell Shoes makes a number of boots to suit any fishing conditions you can imagine. For instance, the Shiver pull-on makes it easy to swap shoes before and after your fishing endeavors, but it also keeps your foot warm and dry. The Turku boot gives you unprecedented stability when you need to traverse rough terrain, and the Polarand, another pull-on option, gives you a waterproof upper, insulated warmth, and a rubber toe for extra protection.

When choosing the best shoes for amateur fishing, it is important to consider not only the weather, but also your personal style and the type of terrain. Any of the aforementioned shoes can give you the benefits you need so you can concentrate on catching fish instead of the condition of your feet.