Best Shoes for Your Feet Health

Shoes for Feet Health

How much thought do you put into selecting the right footwear? While many people consider factors like style, price, and fit, what about making choices that are good for the health of your feet? Even if you aren’t looking for a pair of shoes for problem feet, the right approach to buying footwear decreases the odds of developing certain types of foot complaints. Here are some of the things you should take into consideration every time you buy a new pair of shoes.

Opting for Natural Over Synthetic Materials

Some experts will tell you that natural materials for footwear is always the best approach. It’s true that opting for natural over synthetic materials is more likely to help you avoid a number of quality issues as well as provide a better fit. The thing to keep in mind that natural materials are not always the best quality and they may offer fewer benefits than you realize.

Before assuming that pair of ballet flats made with natural material is superior to the pair made using mainly synthetic materials, look a little closer. Which set provides the flexibility that you need? Is there enough give in the toe and the heel to ensure they are comfortable? Is the quality of the natural material so low that it could actually be bad for your feet? if so, the synthetic may be the right choice in this one instance.

The bottom line is make no assumptions when it comes to materials. Consider type and quality carefully. Doing so will make it easier to choose something that is good for your feet, even if it means passing on both options and seeking out a third pair.

Choosing the Right Size

You think that you know your shoe size. What you may not realize is that it can change over time. It’s not unusual for people to move from the need for a medium fit to a wide fit as they age. There may also be a slight disparity between the size of the right foot and the left one.

What does this have to do with choosing the healthiest shoes? It means you should have your feet measured each time you need to purchase a new pair. The time may have arrived to go with a roomier fit, or you may need to buy the pair based on the measurements of one foot instead of both. If your right foot is slightly larger, choose a pair that will fit it perfectly.

When you do go to buy a new pair, don’t forget to consider the type of sock or hose you will wear with those shoes. Doing so makes it all the easier to ensure there’s enough room. If possible, wear a pair of socks that are just like the ones you will typically wear along with the new shoes. Doing so makes it all the easier to select the ideal size.

And Don’t Forget the Shape of Your Feet

While all feet look much like the same, there are differences. Your goal is to know the difference between the best and worst shoes for your foot shape. If your big toe is longer than the others, that needs to be taken into consideration. Toes that are almost the same length require a different approach to evaluating the toe box. Heels that are more square than rounded also need certain types of shoe features.

The point of taking the shape of your feet into consideration is to ensure the new footwear fits properly and provides all the benefits that you need. You’ll find it easier to wear the shoes all day long if necessary and there is less potential for cramps and soreness to develop.

Proper Support Helps More Than Your Feet

On the note of avoiding cramps or aching feet, it pays to remember that shoes with the right fit do more than reduce the risk of different foot issues. They can also ease stress on the ankles and the lower legs. The right pair of flexible shoes can even have an impact on whether you end the day with pain in your lower back or feel perfectly comfortable.

Something that you may not know is that shoes also affect your posture. A proper fit and support make it all the easier to stand tall and not slouch. When you find shoes good for your feet and posture, don’t pass them by. They will more than pay for themselves over time in terms of preventing pain and helping you feel better in general.

Cushioning Matters Too

Cushioning does a lot for the feet even if you don’t have a particular complaint. That’s because the right type of cushioning helps to absorb the shock that occurs every time you take a step on a hard surface. Assuming the cushioning is made with some of the better materials on the market, it will be easier for air to circulate around the feet. Air circulation is important in terms of preventing the feet from getting too hot or allowing the skin to become too dry.

Depending on what type of foot problem you are dealing with, that cushioning can also prevent a lot of discomfort. Shoes good for feet with problems have just enough give and take to feel comfortable while also providing plenty of comfort. Your podiatrist can recommend the best types of cushioning to look for when it’s time to buy a new pair of shoes.

Style Sometimes Has to Take a Back Seat

Even with all the options on the market today, there are likely some shoe designs that are not right for your feet. Not everyone can wear pointed-toe shoes; the shape of your feet or some type of health issue may mean that you would do well to stick with rounded or square-toe footwear instead. In like manner, you may need to focus your attention on styles that have more cushioning than others. Even factors like the materials used may need to be considered carefully before you buy any new pair of shoes.

Before you assume that any type of foot condition means you can only wear the most basic designs or settle for something that resembles a concrete block rather than a shoe, think again. There are many different style options on the market today that work well for people with specific foot problems. Some of them are quite attractive.

Always Go for Extra Room in the Toe Box

Whether you have a foot condition or would simply like to avoid developing one, making sure there’s a little extra room in the toe box is a good strategy. It doesn’t have to be much; all you need is enough for your toes to not feel cramped. You can use your index finger to get an idea of exactly where your toes fit in that great pair of sneakers you are considering. If they fill the entire toe box, you need to try something with a little more length and width. In the long run, you’ll enjoy wearing those shoes a lot more.

And a Heel That Isn’t Too High or Too Low

When people think of choosing high heels, they are more likely to consider factors like where they will wear the shoes and if the heel height is in line with how tall or short they happen to be. Those are important things to remember, but don’t overlook the fact that a higher heel does place more stress on the ankles and the lower legs. They can also place some additional stress on the toes. If you already have one foot condition to manage, do you really want to add another one?

Consider how shoes with a lower heel would work. Whether for fun or something for the office, you may find that the lower heel is still flattering and does not pave the way for new foot problems to develop.

Sandals May Be Better Than Other Summertime Footwear

Everyone likes to be comfortable during the summer. The thing it that flip flops are not necessarily the best choice, especially if you have a foot issue. You may need more support than these simple and fun footwear options can provide. If so, think about getting a comfortable pair of sandals.

The sandals are more likely to have an insole that conforms to your feet properly. The straps that support the heels and possibly the ankles will certainly ease stress on the feet. You’ll find that the straps over the instep are sufficient to keep the sandals from slipping. All in all, you get the comfort of flip flops plus some other qualities that only come with a pair of sandals.

Specialty Footwear for Specific Problems

When it comes to finding the best shoes for foot problems, remember that shoes designed to help with one issue may or may not work well for a different one. For example, shoes designed for diabetics who are beginning to experience some neuropathy in the feet need something that helps to promote blood circulation. By contrast, people with other types of issues may need a nice pair of orthopedic shoes. Don’t pay attention to anyone who says they have a shoe that’s right for all types of foot problems. You are better off finding someone who has shoes designed specifically for your condition.

Your feet are intended to serve you well for a lifetime. Take proper care of them by investing in shoes that protect and provide additional support if you do have some type of ongoing problem. In the long run, your feet will feel better, controlling your condition will be easier, and your days will certainly be more pleasant.

How To Buy Men’s Shoes

Could you use a new pair of shoes? Maybe one of the men in your life is in need of a great pair of shoes for men. Before you head out to look for something, it pays to learn a little about what goes into choosing the right pair of men’s footwear. Here are some tips on how to choose mens shoes that will make all the differ-ence.

Identify the Type of Shoes That You Need

There are different types of shoes for men designed for all sorts of activities. Before you do any shopping, take a moment and determine where those shoes will be worn. This helps you to concentrate on footwear that will serve a purpose and not end up stuck in the back of the closet.

What shoes should every man own? Every man needs shoes that are appropriate for his work-place. That may mean having a couple pair of dress shoes or it could mean more casual shoes. There should also be shoes that are fine for casual wear during warmer weather. Footwear that’s ideal for working out is also something else that should be in every man’s closet. You also want sandals for the summer as well as a pair of boots with a reasonable amount of lining for wear in the winter.

So what sort of shoes for men do you need right now? It may be one of the types just mentioned, or it could be something for a special occasion. Perhaps you are attending a formal event and need something suitable to wear with a tuxedo. You might be looking for boots that you can wear while hunting or hiking. Define the purpose for the purchase and it will be a lot easier to focus on the kind of footwear that you need and avoid getting bogged down looking at shoes you can do without right now.

Think About the Colours You Prefer

Colours are another factor to consider. In most cases, the venue where you will wear the shoes and how you dress for the occasion will make it easier to select the colours and hues. Remember that while you may select from a wider range of colours for more casual settings, the appropriate options for a business setting are likely to involve only a few choices.

There are questions that you can ask yourself and use the answers to direct the search. For example, should your shoes be darker than your pants? When you are selecting dress shoes for men, it pays to consider the dressy clothing you wear in the workplace or for special occasions. You’ll find that when you dress up, your shoes should either match the colour of the pants or be darker. For example, you would never wear a pair of brown shoes with a black suit, but you could get by wearing a pair of black shoes with a blue suit.

With more casual shoes, you can have more fun. Go darker or lighter with the shoe colour if you are wearing jeans. The same is true with walking shorts. If you prefer to wear sandals or some sort of shoe while walking along the beach or the lakeside, it’s fine to wear a lighter and contrasting colour with your swimsuit.

Revisit Your Foot Size

You may think that your feet stop changing during your teenage years, but that’s not the case. It’s a fact that the shape of your feet may change slightly as you age. That’s because of other changes, like your weight, and the general wear on ligaments as the years pass. Typically, the sizing does not change drastically. For example, you are not likely to go up a full size. What is more likely to happen is that your narrow foot may turn into a wider one as time passes.

Before you shop for new shoes for men, take a moment to determine how well your other shoes fit right now. Are they basically fine but do seem to be a little tight on the sides? If so, you may want to try the same size but with a little more width. That one difference will help make those new men’s shoes more comfortable and motivate you to wear them more often.

Be Open to Trying a New Brand

It’s easy to find a brand that you like and decide to stick with it. In fact, it makes sense to check out what that brand has to offer in terms of the kind of shoe you need right now. The thing to remember is that you should be open to trying a new brand.

After you settle on the purpose, the potential colours, and the sizing for your new men’s footwear, spend a little time investigating a brand that you’ve never tried before. Read reviews to get an idea of what other consumers think. Check out the materials used for the shoes and get an idea of how they are sized.

You also want to consider the price, at least up to the point. While it should never be the most important aspect of those new shoes, it never hurts to save a little money. Who knows? You might find a new brand that has shoes for men that you like even better than your current brand.

But Dont Skimp on Quality

Being open to different brands of shoes for men is one thing. Randomly trying brands that are apparently inferior to what you already wear is not going to work out. You are used to a certain level of quality and that means the right men’s shoes will match or exceed those expectations. Not skimping on quality enhances the potential of those shoes to be among the best you’ve ever owned.

If money is tight and you must have a new pair of shoes immediately, do your best to focus on brands that are higher in quality and come with a more affordable price tag. When you can wait for a few months and save a little more money for the purchase, do so. In the long run, you’ll be happier.

Consider the Shape and Size of the Toe Box

Even the best quality shoes for men aren’t worth it if your feet are not comfortable. One area that men sometimes overlook is the shape and the amount of space in the toe box. Never settle for shoes that don’t have a little wiggle room for the toes. That one aspect will make it a lot easier to wear the shoes all day without your feet beginning to feel cramped or stressed.

When shopping in a store for new shoes, try on the right one and use your fingers to see how much space is between the end of the toe box and your toes. When you press and it seems as if there’s roughly the width of your fingernail between the big toe and the end of the box, there’s a good chance that those shoes will offer a comfortable fit.

Check the Heel

Remember that different types of shoes for men come with heels of slightly varying heights. Taller men certainly want a lower heel. Men who are of a more modest height may be tempted by a taller heel. That’s fine, but make sure the heel’s height and shape doesn’t make your feet look too bulky. That will kill the look of the nice suit you’re wearing, and won’t exactly be a good fit with a casual outfit either.

You also want to check the heel to determine if the materials will help you remain in an upright position when it’s raining. The last thing you need is to be running toward the car during a storm and end up slipping on a slick sidewalk. Make sure the heel as well as the rest of the shoe bottom provide you with some traction on slippery surfaces.

Cushioning and Arch Support Matter Too

Cushioning and arch support are important whether you will be wearing those new shoes for men all day or for a couple of hours. In any setting, the right amount of support minimizes the chances for cramps in the instep and toes, pressure on the ankles, and pain in the lower legs. The right level of cushioning and support will also minimize the risk for lower back pain. Instead of feeling exhausted at the end of the day and wanting nothing more than a soothing soak for the feet, you’ll be ready to go out and enjoy some time with your friends.

Durability is Your Friend

Investing in a higher quality of shoes does save money over time. You’ll find that footwear with more durability can easily last twice as long as an inferior pair. When you consider the fact that less expensive shoes may need to be replaced more frequently, the overall expense is lower by spending a little more up front.

Durable shoes also mean that they hold their appearance for more years. Assuming you take proper care of them, they will show few signs of wear even after they’ve been in use for a couple of years. That’s certainly a better use of your hard-earned money.

As Is Comfort and Protection

Footwear that’s durable is also more likely to feel good on the feet and even protect them to a greater extent. Protection, even with a pair of dress shoes, matters. It’s important to ensure they help to prevent minor issues that could happen to the feet during the course of the day. For example, a sole that is made of durable material and is of a reasonable thickness will protect your foot in the event something sharp ends up on the floor. You can bet that sturdy materials designed to protect your feet while you are hiking or camping will come in handy.

Always Check Out Whats on Sale

Even the best men’s shoe brands occasionally have sales. That’s because the plan is to make room for newer designs and that means selling older ones at a discount. There’s nothing wrong with the shoes. If you’re going for a traditional style, last year’s designs will likely work just as well and cost less money.

Trends Are Nice But Dont Let Them Rule Your Choices

It’s find to buy shoes for men that at least nod to the current fashion trends, provided they fit in with your personal sense of style and look good. Don’t discount current trends but never allow them to determine what you will or will not wear. Be true to your own personal sense of style.

Online Shopping is a Good Choice

If you don’t like shopping in general, try shopping for shoes online. Look for your favourite brands since you already know how they fit. You’re likely to find more options for men’s dress shoe colors online, which makes it all the easier to find something that works with your present wardrobe. You can also shop while relaxing in your favourite chair, something that makes shopping a little easier.

Consider Buying More Than One Pair

If you find what you want, why not buy another pair or two? This is especially helpful if you are looking for something to wear every day. You can rotate those two pair and still project the look you want. Best of all, not wearing the same shoes for men daily will help you get more years of use from both pairs.

Remember to not rush when you shop for shoes for men in any venue. The goal is to find a pair that serves the right purpose, has the look you want, protects the feet, and provides adequate support. In the long run, you’ll get more use from the purchase and certainly recoup more of your investment in those new pairs of shoes.

Shoe Trends for 2019

Shoes are a product of daily use. Actually, a huge percentage of people worldwide own shoes. Manufacturers make over 20 billion pairs of shoes annually.

Shoe Trends in 2019

The huge numbers are a clear indication that the shoes market is a lucrative one.

2019 is right here with us! How time flies, right?

So what will characterize the shoe industry this year and beyond?

2019 Footwear Market Overview

According to projections, the Global Footwear Market will gain $371.8 billion by 2020 thus registering an approximate CAGR of 5.5% for the forecast period between 2015 and 2020.

What is for sure is the fact that the shoes industry has been steadily growing in the recent past.

Analysis of the report featured different types of footwear comprising of both non-athletic and athletic shoes utilized by people of all gender and age groups.

The ever-rising demand for trendy, fancy, yet comfortable shoes among different age groups is a vital factor that’s driving the international footwear industry.

The factors that segment the global shoe industry include:

  • Type of footwear
  • Materials used
  • End users of shoes
  • Platforms for sale
  • Sales across different geographies

Asian countries such as India and China are the leading exporters of leather shoes across developed nations like U.S and UK.

Rising health concerns are now influencing folks to perform outdoor and indoor physical activities. Consequently, there’s a huge demand for athletic shoes, which in turn increases the demand for general shoes.

In 2019 and beyond, there’ll be a rise in demand for shoes.

The estimations of the international market figures are based on the revenues generated by sales across various geographic regions.

Players in the market will focus on expanding their channels of sales through several web portals in different regions.

Presently, online platforms for buying footwear are progressively gaining popularity especially among youths and teenagers, hence occupying a huge share among the various distribution channels.

To maintain market positions, the leading companies such as ECCO, Nike, Timberland, Merrell and Adidas among others are coming up with new solutions that focus on offering better services. They’re also focusing on upgrading the designs of the current footwear models.

For example in 2015, PUMA one of the leading shoes manufacturers launched a super lightweight boot that featured impressive Japanese dragon Graphics tailored for the soccer lovers. Through the launch, the company was able to rake in more customers.

Amidst the dynamic competitive landscape, there’s no doubt that the shoe industry will scale to new heights.

Moreover, moving forward, companies will use different platforms and events such as F1 car racing events or Olympic Games with the aim of promoting themselves worldwide. They’ll also continue collaborating with renowned international sports platforms to promote their brand. A good example was the collaboration between Adidas and Manchester United in 2014.

The Trends

The advent of customized and smart footwear is top on the list of trends that’ll be witnessed in the international shoe market not only in 2019, but beyond.

Customized and smart shoes are currently trending especially in the universal online footwear market.

Vendors have adopted personalization and customization to diversify their portfolio.

The introduction of technically advanced and innovative customizable and smart footwear not only attracts but also motivates clients to invest in them.

For example, smart footwear like step-counting shoes are gaining popularity principally among those engaged in fitness and athletic activities.

The rise in demand for innovative shoes and high level of customization will spur the growth in the shoes market in 2019 and beyond.

Shoe Trends for Women in 2019

The start of every year is the best time to be on the lookout for trends that’ll characterize the shoe industry. When it comes to shoes in 2019, the rule of thumb is the louder, the better! Be on the lookout for bold and maximalist shoes – the likes with dramatic silhouettes, crystals, and feathers.

If you’re a woman who’s into style and latest trends, here are some of the shoe trends expected to take over this year:

  • Strappy Sandals – Granted, strappy sandals have been in existence for quite some time. However, a much sleeker look is taking over now. Think along the line of super-thin straps that feature minimalist designs. The modern sandals will instantly bump up even the simplest pair of jeans.
  • Animal Prints – Most fashion gurus consider animal prints neutrals for a reason. From cheetah to snakeskin, manufacturers will channel their animal instincts by trying out a variety of ankle boots, tall boots, and mules in bold prints.
  • Sporty Sandals – It might be 2019! However, there’s no doubt that the ‘90s are still playing a major in the current trends within the fashion industry. It’s high time you dust off your Teva-inspired sandals and flat forms.
  • Embellished Heels – There’s more to embellished heels than just rhinestones and crystals. This year, there’ll be an expansion of the available options to distinct details such as wooden spheres, beads, and seashells.
  • Statement Trainers – Statement trainers are the sparkly cousin to the normal sneakers that you’re used to. Gucci was the pioneer of the uber-cool crystal-strapped kicks. Others designers followed suit.
  • Western Boots – While cowboy boots have been a darling of many for a couple of seasons, a new mash-up style is gaining traction. Presently and in the months to come, you’ll notice ‘80s influence in the silhouettes, accents, and details.
  • Bows – Bow shoes are perhaps among the sweetest trends among the bunch. Bow-clad shoes will definitely take center stage this year all thanks to Saint Laurent, Pyer Moss, and Zimmerman. Whether you put them on the front of your strappy heels or backs of pumps, they’ll surely add a beautiful detail that you’ll get tied up in.
  • Feathers – Shoes detailed with feathers are the night-ready and glamorous trend in this list. While most flats featured plumage in the yester years, heels adorned with feathers will steal the show not only on the runways but also in the streets.
  • PVC – Undeniably, PVC shoes are having their moment again. Last year, clear footwear of different types was featured on the runways of Mary Katrantzou, Alexa Chung, Balmain, and Marc Jacobs. You need to get your pedicure right in 2019.

Shoe Trends for Men in 2019

As a man, you must have a pair of shoes for every occasion. After all, the right pair can quickly break or make your look. Therefore, if you desire to appear stylish, it’s prudent to always have the right shoes at hand to not only complete but also complement your ensemble.

From attending an official gala to running errands, men should have a collection of footwear to fashionably see them through different occasions.

The following are the top trendy men’s shoes for 2019:

  • The Brogue – Initially, the concept behind the brogue was a more utilitarian shoe compared to what most men wear it today. Creators of the shoe originally put the perforations and holes to drain water after crossing swamps and bogs in muddy Ireland. Today’s brogue command a little more respect and will continue to do so moving forward. For casual days, opt for brighter brogues while on formal occasions, put brown ones. The golden rule to brogues is, the more broguing the shoe features, the less formal it ought to be.
  • The Suede Chukka – In the recent past, Chukkas have definitely surged back in popularity. The shoe is a round-toe and minimal, ankle-high boot featuring only 2 – 3 lacing eyelets. Conventionally featuring just two panels, their style isn’t big on embellishments. In 2019, you need to choose a pair of cream or tan suede chukkas as an addition to your wardrobe. The shoes are best for casual events. They offer an elegant and classy alternative to sneakers. You can combine them with a pair of chinos or jeans coupled with a polo shirt for an ideal look. Combining the shoes with a sports jacket makes the outfit appear more approachable.
  • The Leather Boot – The thing with leather boots is that their range is so wide that one can get carried away and fall victim to a boot-buying habit. For sure, very few boots can convey the kind of personality the boot does. With continued wear, your boot starts to tell a story. Well-worn pairs of creased boots boast their own character. For the winter, you must have leather lace-up boots. For en edgier, causal aesthetic, you need to choose an ankle-high, dark brown or black boot. By investing in a quality pair of leather boots, you’re certain that they’ll last you many years to come.
  • The Loafer – The Loafer, originally of Scandinavian origin, has transformed into a sartorial style of preppy culture. In fact, it’s currently a streamlined shoe style. Lace-free or low loafers are surely a mainstay of smart casual dress. They’ll remain a favorite shoe style especially for the summer months. A pair of brown loafers will work excellently for both formal and casual looks. Navy is also an amazing color to consider. It works brilliantly to complement tones such as greens, beige, and whites. Beige also suites neutrals well. It complements tanned skin excellently.
  • The Running Sneaker – The running sneaker is one of the most functional shoes in the list. Every man needs to have a pair of comfortable yet stylish running sneakers for every wardrobe. Although running sneakers are tailored to feel good instead of looking good, it’s important to know a few tips on how to choose the best pair. If you’re into versatility, opt for a style that features minimal branding. The bright colors work excellently for those that desire a statement street look. White running sneakers will certainly appear bruised and beaten within a few weeks. Therefore, they’re best if you have a great shoe care routine.
  • The Oxford – Unlike with the derby shoe that features an open lacing system, the Oxford features a closed lacing system. Its design was originally a plain shoe that was made of leather. Nonetheless, over the years, much has evolved. It now includes a wide range of detailing and fabrics. For casual events, the shoe looks great in tan color.
  • The White-Low Top Trainer – White low tops are great when you style them with some black pair of jeans to achieve a monochromatic look. If you feel that chukkas or boots are too much but you want to portray a casual look, then white trainers are a fantastic option.

Global Online Shoes Market – Growth of M-Commerce and E-Commerce

The huge rise in demand for m-commerce and e-commerce such as online channels worldwide is one of the major factors that’ll positively affect the growth of online footwear market this year and moving forward. This trend is also supported by the increase of the amount of personal loan companies as well as merchant cash advance loan companies in Canada.

The growth of the international footwear market will drive the development of online shoes market.

The other reason that’ll inform the growth of the market is the rising demand for user-friendly comfortable shoes, smart shoes and customized footwear.

Because the international commerce industry has been exponentially growing, huge volumes of shoes are now being sold via the online channel.

The rise in cross-border e-commerce trade will positively impact the volume of the online shoe shipments.

How Disruptions and Sanctions of EU and U.S Trade Influence the Choice of European Shoe Brands

Sometimes last year, June to be precise, in reprisal, the European Union introduced tariffs on goods from the United States. This came as a high-ranking representative launched an all-out new attack on the United States President’s policy on trade.

The sanctions and disruptions will cost more than £2.4bn (€2.8bn) worth of goods from the United States.

The officials imposed tariffs on goods such as orange juice, motorcycles, bourbon whiskey, and footwear.

According to the commission’s president, the duties imposed by the United States on the European Union go against ‘’all history and logic.’’

According to the World Trade Organization, the statement on sanctions affecting footwear reads as follows;

‘’Men’s shoes with uppers and outer soles of leather, with in-soles greater or equal to 24 cm in length (excluding covering the ankle, or including a protective metal toecap, that’s made on a platform or base of wood, without in-soles, with upper made of straps or with a vamp, orthopedic footwear indoor footwear, and sports footwear.)’’

So how will the sanctions and disruptions of EU and US trade influence the choice of European shoe brands?

The world is turning into a global village. It simply means that countries can consume products from all over the world through imports. However, when such disruptions and sanctions take center stage, it becomes very difficult to buy goods from other regions or countries because of either high prices or unavailability.

People become more prone to buying local brands compared to the international ones. The fashion attitudes and preferences of individuals change drastically when barriers to trade come in to effect.

When everything is working excellently (free of sanctions and disruptions), consumers tend to buy foreign shoe brands more regularly compared to the local ones. In fact, they feel proud in buying imported stuff.

Consequently, it’s very important to understand the perception of consumers on foreign brands to the local ones. Studying the consumer perceptions towards local and foreign shoe brand as well as factors that affect their brand preference has huge substantial implications when it comes to marketing.

It’s high time that shoe marketers connect brand preference with the known demographic groups. This is because as the demographic group especially gender and age varies, the same happens to their consumption for various brands and style of shoes. Additionally, as age increases, along with its direct buying power, it influences other preferences as well.

For shoe manufacturers to reach all categories of the market, it’s important they know exactly what clients prefer. They should also understand the factors that influence their preferences as well as buying choices depending on their profile. Therefore, it’s paramount to study both consumer brand preference and the antecedence taking age/gender as baseline.

Growth of European Economy and How It’s Affecting the Footwear Market

An important trend in the European market is the fact that the economy is gradually recovering from the severe recession a couple of years back. According to the European Commission forecasts, there’ll be a modest growth of roughly 3% in 2019 and 2020. The biggest growth in 2020 is the forecast for edges of Europe with countries such as Slovakia, Spain, Poland, Ireland, and Romania topping the charts.

Of great importance to note is that the economic recovery is affecting the footwear market positively.

A study by the Transparency Market Research indicates that the footwear market in Europe particularly will record moderate compound yearly growth rates of 1.5% by 2021.

Some of the major drivers of the rise in demand for footwear include:

  • Growth of eco fashion footwear
  • Increased e-commerce
  • Changing lifestyles such as people taking part in exercise more and being more health-conscious

Although buyers remain price-conscious and cautious, they’ll definitely be eager to tap to the growth opportunities. In fact, most of them will search for new suppliers, mainly in the low-cost countries.

How to Choose Fashion Shoes

When putting together an outfit for any type of formal, business, or semi-formal occasion, never overlook the importance of selecting the right shoes for women. The truth is that the right footwear will make a suitable outfit into one that’s truly outstanding.

At the same time, you want more than looks. They also need to be comfortable. If you are asking “how do I choose comfortable shoes?” or “how do I find the right combination of comfort and style?” keep reading. These factors will ensure you make the right choice.

Start With the Reason for the Purchase

A good place to begin is to think about why you want to purchase new footwear in the first place. There are all sorts of reasons that are perfectly valid. Perhaps you want to purchase new shoes for women because:

You have a special event coming up and nothing in your current collection is quite right.

You are making some changes in your personal style and want to experiment with a different shoe design.

Some of your older pairs have seen better days and need to be replaced.

There’s no special reason; you just want a new pair of fashion shoes.

Once you identify the motivation, it’s easier to determine if there is anything in particular that must be considered as you look at different styles. In fact, using some sort of women’s shoe style guide that’s related to the kind of fashion footwear you have in mind will prove invaluable.

Consider the Time of Year

When do plan on wearing that new pair of shoes? The time of year will make a difference in terms of the style that you select. What works just fine for summer is not necessarily a good choice for the winter.

Perhaps the plan is to focus on shoes for women that you can wear during most of the year. That means finding something that’s appropriate for the spring, summer, and autumn. The good news is there are a number of fashionable styles that will easily carry you through each of those seasons. They will look great and also feel wonderful on your feet.

Even if you are looking for something to be worn during a particular season, it won’t be difficult. There are a number of designs that are crafted with specific types of weather in mind. The range of materials will also vary based on when you plan on wearing the shoes.

Your Personal Fashion Style

Don’t overlook the importance of your personal sense of style when it comes to selecting shoes for women. Ideally, your choice of footwear must provide a unified look with the rest of the outfit. That doesn’t necessarily mean they have to be the same colour, although that is one possibility. The more important factor is that they match the function and design of the attire that you choose for the day.

For example, you have a certain style of clothing you wear to work. The footwear that you select should work well with those outfits. This means if you work in an office with a conservative dress code, your footwear should be relatively free or ornamentation and appear to be a natural extension of the jacket, slacks, or dress that you choose to wear that day.

When the plan is to buy a pair of shoes for wearing to events that call for dressing up a bit, think about what will go with the more formal outfits you already own. Something that works with two or more of those outfits will certainly make it easy to take advantage of last-minute invitations to the opera, a new club opening, or some other occasion that calls for something other than casual clothing.

Through it all, draw on elements from your wardrobe to determine the best style for those new shoes. Doing so will ensure they are in line with your personal style and most likely end up being a versatile addition that you will enjoy.

Texture Matters

Do you think a lot about texture when it comes to selecting women’s shoes? In fact, it can be important in terms of creating the look that you want to project. Consider how the texture of the material used for the footwear can make a difference.

Maybe you want something that’s shiny and sleek. That certainly works well if you need footwear that’s right for a formal event. When the plan is to buy fashion shoes that you can wear to work, some type of leather that has a more discreet gloss would work better. In some cases, you may find that a nice pair of shoes made with a suede-like texture would work just fine. This is especially true if you plan on wearing something to work that’s made of wool rather than some type of blended fiber.

Texture can also help pull together what might seem to be disparate elements of the outfit. For example, the fact that the shoes are made of the same materials as your belt and perhaps the jacket gives the impression that you purchased all the pieces at one time. Even if the colours are not the same, the fact that the texture is identical helps to create the unified look that you seek.

The Colour – Up to the Minute or Timeless?

There’s another thing to consider about the colour of your new footwear. Without a doubt, there are certain colours that dominate the world of women’s dress shoes each season. Some of them are favourites that seamlessly remain popular from one season to the next. Others may be just fine for one season and then fade into obscurity.

You have a question to ask yourself before entering any women’s shoe stores in search of new footwear. Are you out to buy something that’s currently popular and may or may not remain so after the current season? Is the plan to invest in shoes that will work just as well this time next year and the year after that?

There are no wrong answers to these two questions. It’s perfectly fine to buy a pair of shoes in a colour that’s currently all the rage but will fall out of favour after a time. For now, they allow you to add a contemporary touch to some of your outfits. This is especially true if you purchase a few accessories that capture the same colour and texture.

It also makes sense to invest in footwear with a timeless look. Like the little black dress that most women have on hand and can easily dress up or down as the occasion requires, footwear that is considered classic is always a good buy. The right choice will allow you to always be ready to dress for any type of business or formal setting on a moment’s notice.

Your Proportions

Did you ever consider the fact that your body type would have anything to do with the kind of formal footwear for ladies you select? Women come in many different combinations of vertical body types. Your goal is to determine which shoe styles flatter your body type and allow you to project an appearance that helps you be the confident person that you are inside. Here are some examples to consider:

  • If you have what’s considered a balanced body – meaning your torso and legs are somewhat slim in and proportion – you do want to pay attention to the heel height. Higher heels will only accentuate the length of the legs and make you appear to be out of proportion. A lower heel would work best.
  • A combination of a longer torso and shorter legs mean looking for shoe designs that visually add length. You’ll find that higher heels and thicker soles will help create the illusion that you seek. A matching colour for the shoes, your hose and the hem of your dress or skirt also help to make the legs look longer.
  • If you have a shorter torso and longer legs, go with low heels or flats that help to balance things out visually. Thinner soles and shoes that are in a contrasting colour to your hose will also provide a visual break and help the legs to look more in proportion to the torso.

There are other tricks that can provide a more proportional look. Experiment with pointed toes versus square toe boxes, as well as thinking about open-toed versus closed toes. It won’t take long to see which design elements help you achieve the look that you desire.

Style: The Toe

Speaking of the toe, never assume that any particular design is off the table. Depending on the season, the setting, your body type, and your personal sense of style, certain toe designs will work best. The good news is that just about every toe style one could imagine is found in the worlds of women fashion shoes.

Along with considering whether a certain toe design helps to visually lengthen or shorten your legs, think about how they impact the impression that you want to make. For example, an open-toe shoe is beautiful, but it’s not necessarily considered the best option when attending a business function. By contrast, it works quite well at a social function like a party or a wedding reception.

Style: The Heel

Higher heels make your legs look longer and to some degree slim them a bit. Lower heels are wonderful when you want to shorten the legs and call more attention to your torso. In addition to the impact on your appearance, there’s something else to consider about the heel height. Only go with a height that feels right to you.

There’s no point in attempting to attend a social function wearing heels that seem determined to keep you off balance. You would do well to go with a lower heel and find it easier to float around the room, confident in your ability to move without fear of toppling over.

On the other hand, you may be adept at wearing shoes with higher heels. If you are able to move freely and those heels don’t pose any issues with maintaining your balance, then by all means go with a higher heel. The goal is to not sacrifice comfort and control for the sake of appearance alone. There are enough designs for fashion shoes for women that you should be able to find the perfect compromise.

Style: The Sole

Thicker soles to help to give your legs a longer appearance, but don’t forget they role they play in terms of practical function. If a thicker sole will help you move across certain types of flooring with greater ease, that’s great. When a thinner sole works just as well and you would prefer to call more attention to something other than the length of your legs, then go with the thinner design. There are all kinds of women’s shoes for formal wear featuring soles ranging from the very thin to the thick. Try each one and see what you think.

Pay Close Attention to the Fit

Do how do you know if a shoe fits properly? The shoe is snug without pinching your toes or the heel. The width is just right in terms of hugging the feet but does not seem to bind the sides. A good fit does leave a little room in the toe box so your toes don’t feel cramped while at the same time not allowing any room for slippage at all.

The shoe must feel almost like a glove on your foot. That means it’s comfortable, remains firmly in position and has enough cushioning and support for you to wear the shoes for hours. Perfect shoes for women may vary in style and colour, but the fit must always be perfect. When the fit is right, you will definitely know it.

Are you ready to find your next pair of fashion shoes for women? Start by checking out the many different designs offered online. Pay close attention to the dimensions and the design features. Think about how they would work with the wardrobe you have now or the new outfit you intend to buy. Above all, make sure they are something that will broaden the horizons of your present wardrobe and make it all the easier to always be perfectly dressed for the occasion. In less time than you thought possible, you will find one or more pair that need to be part of your collection.

Rieker Shoes Will Be The Footwear of Choice For My Family From Now On: Here’s Why

Some people enjoy shopping for shoes. Not me. I’m more the type who considers shoes something one needs. That’s why I tend to shop based on what sort of footwear I need for certain occasions or purposes. Imagine my surprise when I came across Rieker shoes and realized that there was no need to search any longer.

Let me tell you a little about how I came to find the brand and why I will choose it for myself and my family from now on. I’ll also tell you why I will always shop at the same site from whenever I need footwear in the future.

Why I Was Looking for New Shoes

There’s nothing unusual about why I was in the market for new footwear. My older pairs had begun to show signs of age. They didn’t offer me the support that they did in the past. Those older boots also did not keep my feet warm during the coldest part of winter any longer. Even adding thermal socks to the protection offered by the lining was not enough.

Anyone who has ever tried to get through a winter day with feet that are wet and cold knows what it does to your mood. I would be irritable and most unpleasant by the end of the day. Nothing would go right and I would be in a bad mood long after I got home. When the family dog sees you coming and immediately decides to hide behind the sofa, you know it’s time to do something about whatever is causing your ill mood.

Thus began my search for new footwear. I decided along the way that I was not the only one who could use new shoes or boots. My family could use some new ones too. That’s one thing that made me consider Rieker. I found that they offered Rieker womens shoes as well as Rieker shoes for men. While still not focusing on one particular brand, it did make sense to include Rieker in the search.

What I Wanted In New Footwear

I was looking for boots that would be ideal for being outside during the winter months. That meant finding a pair with excellent traction on slippery surfaces, a lining that would keep my feet warm, and a shell that would repel moisture. I also wanted cushioning that would ease the stress on my feet and legs while I walked as well as plenty of arch support.

While that may sound like an easy thing, it’s actually much harder than most people think. You’d be surprised how difficult it is to find footwear that offers all of these qualities. It was only after I stumbled across a pair of Rieker shoes that I began to think my search would not end up in failure.

Rieker offers several types of footwear. There are designs for warm weather as well as colder weather. That meant I could try just about everything from sandals to outdoor work boots. Best of all, they have designs for men and women. Certainly, it would be worthy my time to look into this brand a little closer.

Where I Looked

I’m a firm believer in finding the best quality footwear while paying the most competitive price. That’s one reason I decided to look in several different venues before making any purchases. While Rieker was definitely on my list, I was still open to other brands as well.

To begin the search, I spent time looking at websites operated by retailers who also had traditional offline stores. My plan was to see who carried Rieker shoes among other brands, compare the pricing, and then visit local stores to see what I could find. If I came across a retailer with the right Rieker shoes prices and the style I wanted, all would be well. If not, I would keep looking for Rieker shoes stores with the ideal pricing and selection.

I also looked around online. A friend recommended I visit and see what I could find. Walking On A Cloud turned out to be the perfect place to find the footwear I needed. I could also see that it offered something for just about any occasion. That led to me bookmarking the site so I could go back whenever I needed new footwear for any occasion.

There were other online retailers that I considered, but I liked the styles of Rieker mens shoes that this site offered. I also found that the Rieker shoes prices that I saw were easily competitive with other sites. They even rivaled the pricing that I found in many brick and mortar locations.

There are other brands that seem interesting, but it was the Rieker mens shoes plus the styles for women that really caught my eye. I figures why keep looking for other Rieker shoes stores when I could so easily find what I wanted at this one site.

What Rieker Offered Me

So what was it that made me want to give Rieker shoes a try instead of sticking with a brand that I had worn in the past? There were actually several key reasons. Let me tell you a little about them.

One had to do with the type of materials that are used for Rieker mens shoes as well as footwear for women. They don’t settle for materials that will look fine for a short time and then start to show signs of breaking down. Instead, they select the materials with care. If they are not up to the company’s standards, those materials will never find their way into a Rieker factory. That means quite a bit to me.

Another important benefit that comes with Rieker womens shoes as well as Rieker shoes for men is the durability. I don’t like paying good money for shoes and only having them last for a year or so. That’s true even if I’m looking for something that will see a lot of wear during the winter months. What I read about Rieker shoes for men and women is they are built to hold up well to all sorts of weather conditions. As a person who likes to spend time outdoors during any season, the fact that my footwear would last was a big deal.

Color choices are also something that means a lot to me. I’m not one who really needs every color in the rainbow for my shoe collection, but I do like a little variety. The fact that Rieker womens shoes as well as Rieker shoes for men came in basic black was a plus. That I can also get footwear in color choices like wine or brandy is helpful too.

Function matters as well. That’s why I like the fact that Rieker boots for women and men are waterproof. Nothing is worse than trying to enjoy a crisp winter day and being unable to do so because your feet are wet ten minutes after you step outside the door. The fact that I could be outside in the snow or rain for some time and my feet would still be dry and warm was definitely something that not every brand could provide.

Why I’ll Be Back

They say the proof is in the pudding, and that analogy definitely applies when it comes to selecting footwear. I decided to try a pair of Rieker shoes and see how things worked out. I’m happy to say that they lived up to my expectations.

The Rieker styles looked just as nice on my feet as they did online. I was happy with the fit and the level of support they provided. When it comes to the color, I found it to be flattering and ideal for most of my winter outfits. The prices I paid when purchasing the shoes online were easily in line with what I would pay in any of the Rieker shoes stores in my area.

The combination of quality, performance, support, and some excellent Rieker shoes prices has made me a true believer. When I need more footwear for myself or my family, I will be back.

Where I’ll Buy My Rieker Shoes From Now On

It’s not just that I will be back for more of this brand. I will be returning to Walking on a Cloud to purchase my Rieker womens shoes or my Rieker shoes for men when the need arises. I found the selection to be excellent and browsing by brand, gender, size, and other essentials was so simple.

There is something to be said for being able to settle into a comfortable chair with a warm drink at your elbow and find whatever you need. For the first time in my life, I actually enjoyed shopping. There were no crowds to deal with, no digging around to find the right size, and no hoping there was another pair in the back that would be exactly what I wanted. Everything was laid out in front of me on the site. What could be easier?

It’s not just the ease of shopping that makes me want to return whenever I need another pair of Rieker mens shoes or something for the women in the family. It’s also how my order was managed. Checking out was easy and the pricing for shipping was very reasonable. The order was filled quickly, which in turn meant that my footwear was delivered in a timely manner.

While I was happy with my selections and had no reason to want to return them, it was nice knowing that Walking on a Cloud does make it easy. I had my order number and confirmation in hand shortly after I paid for the footwear. There were also instructions on how to arrange a return if I was not happy with my order for any reason. Not everyone goes out of the way to provide that kind of information without the customer asking for it.

From beginning to end, Walking on a Cloud made my shopping experience a pleasant one. That’s why I see no reason to look for Rieker womens shoes or Rieker shoes for men at any other place, online or otherwise.

Why You Need Rieker Shoes From Walking On a Cloud

You don’t have to take my word for it. I’m betting that if you decide to give Walking on a Cloud a try, your experience will be similar. That’s why I want to challenge you to give the site a try and see what you think.

Why don’t you put it to the test? Visit the site and take a look at the selection of Rieker footwear they have to offer. You can spend some time browsing shoes that are designed for men and see what you think. Take a look at the designs, styles, and colors that they have for women as well. Remember to browse through the selection of sandals as well as the dress boots and the outdoor boots they have in stock.

While you look at the styles, read the descriptions. Find out more about the features each of the designs have to offer. Pay attention to the dimensions, the types of linings that come in the boots, and even what materials are used for the shells.

You’ll also find that the Rieker shoes prices found on the site are among the best you will come across anywhere. Who wouldn’t want to buy higher quality footwear and get them for a reasonable price?

The bottom line is that Rieker is the right brand for me and Walking on a Cloud is where I choose to buy my footwear from now on. Accept my challenge and compare what the site offers to what you find at other Rieker shoes stores. I’m betting you will soon be ordering your own footwear while lounging in your favourite chair too.

Beautifeel Shoes: Everything You Want to Know But Are Afraid to Ask

What do you know about Beautifeel shoes for women? While the brand has not been around as long as some of the other ones you know well, the designs you’ve seen and the comments you’ve heard have caught your interest. Is this a brand that is worth exploring?

A growing number of women are finding that Beautifeel women’s shoes are a welcome addition to their collection of footwear. If you are wondering what these shoes are all about, take the time to learn a little more about Beautifeel shoes for women. Here are some of the more commonly asked questions. If you like what you learn, try a pair for yourself and see what you think.

When Did The Company Begin?

The company has almost three decades of operating in the industry. Established thanks to the vision of Ami Bar Nahor, the company began in 1989. While the start was a humble one, it was only a short time before Beautifeel shoes began to make an impact on the market.

The company started operation with the founder (who also served as president) and five employees. As a new entity in Israel, the company already had quite a bit of competition. With a number of highly-regarded brands already offering shoes for women, it was necessary to define what would set Beautifeel women’s shoes apart from the rest. That definition was summed up in three words: dressy comfort footwear.

From the moment that Beautifeel shoes for women became reality all the way to today, those three words still form the basis for what the company is all about. Ami Bar Nahor continues to serve as the president of the company and works to ensure the business never loses sight of why it was formed in the first place.

What Was the Founder’s Vision?

A statement made by Ami Bar Nahor early on still stands as the perfect summation of what Beautifeel shoes is all about. Published on the company’s website and also found in a number of publications, the vision is one that’s simple and straightforward:

“…women deserve shoes that feel as beautiful as they look, for any time of the day, in any season, or for any occasion…”

That statement has led the company to constantly be engaged in the process of improving their existing lines for Beautifeel women’s shoes by both improving current shoe styles and designing new ones that are in keeping with the times. Of note is the fact that Beautifeel shoes for women are not designed for just one type of women who is part of a specific economic class, culture, or group. The line is one of the most inclusive in the industry. That makes it ideal for women all over the world.

Does the Company Offer Dress Shoes?

It’s possible to purchase Beautifeel shoes that are designed as part of a number of different lines. That includes several lines dedicated to dress shoes. To that end, many women will find that the Office Classic works quite well in terms of meeting their needs for something that’s a little dressy.

There’s also a line known as Office Chic. While slightly more adventurous than the Classic line, it does fill a need for footwear that qualifies as dressy while still providing a little more latitude in terms of expressing a personal sense of style. Think of this line as including fun touches while also remaining ideal for wear in many office or business settings. If these Beautifeel shoes for women don’t turn heads, nothing will.

When it comes to dressy Beautifeel women’s shoes for after hours, the Cocktail Collection is worth considering. These designs work quite well for formal occasions like business dinners, formal birthday parties, and afternoon weddings. The range of colours and designs are sure to fit just about any taste and work well for those dressy events that come up from time to time.

How About Casual Designs?

Along with dressy offerings, you’ll find plenty of casual Beautifeel shoes to add to your personal collection. A good place to begin is by checking out the designs offered as part of the City Choes collection. These are designed to provide plenty of comfort and support while also providing the perfect touch to your more casual outfits. You’ll find these Beautifeel women’s shoes work well with everything from jeans to shorts to fun skirts that you like wearing during the spring and summer.

Would you like something with a little more visual impact? The Urban Chic collection includes casual designs that build on the traditional by adding some contemporary touches. You’ll find options ranging from flats to mid and high heels. That makes it all the easier to settle on a design that works well with your outfit while also calling attention to the shape of your legs.

Don’t forget to check out the casual designs included in the Resort Chic collection. These provide the perfect blend of practical function in outdoor settings while also being perfect for gathering around a roaring fire while visiting a lake or ski resort. These Beautifeel shoes for women are often a good choice for cold weather in general, so feel free to wear them with some of your more casual outfits during the winter months.

Can I Find Footwear for Special Events?

You can bet that finding Beautifeel shoes for special events like wedding receptions will not be difficult. Along with the collections already mentioned, you may even find some that add a touch of distinction to your attire for those events. Take a look at the Origami Dream and see what you think. Depending on the occasion, some of the Beautifeel women’s shoes that are included in the Crosstown Rebel collection might work just fine. ]

From fun to formal, there are Beautifeel shoes for women that are ideal for those events that only happen once in a while. Best of all, the pricing makes them affordable while the styles and other features make them a valued part of your wardrobe for a number of years.

Are There Design Suitable For Different Seasons?

It would be difficult to think of a time of year when at least some designs for Beautifeel shoes would not work. Just as the different lines address the setting or event, they are also designed to work well in all sorts of weather. As with any manufacturer, certain designs for Beautifeel women’s shoes are more appropriate for certain seasons. At the same time, there are designs that you can wear just about any time of the year.

It’s the features found in many of the designs that make them so versatile. The footwear is snug without being too tight.  The cushioning ensures that the feet remain comfortable even if the shoes are worn most of the day. There’s plenty of support built into the design to ensure your legs don’t tire easily. Even the choice of materials ensures that your feet have reasonable air circulation while still keeping them at a comfortable temperature.

All these factors come together to ensure that Beautifeel shoes for women can be an active part of your wardrobe any time of the year. In fact, you may find that there’s no need to purchase shoes from any other brand.

Does the Company Operate Its Own Stores?

It’s possible to purchase Beautifeel shoes in a number of different outlets. Traditionally, the company has not opened it’s own private-branded stores. Instead, the company chooses to enter into arrangements with a number of high-quality retailers who offer Beautifeel women’s shoes in their stores. That number continues to grow from one year to the next, making it possible for more consumers to find the lines of Beautifeel shoes for women in their own areas.

Can I Buy the Shoes in Different Countries?

Currently, Beautifeel shoes can be found in many countries around the world. Many retailers in Europe, the Orient, and the Middle East carry several of the lines. Over the years, the company has begun to expand into the North American market.

It’s not unusual for a retailer who does not have a current line in stock to special order Beautifeel women’s shoes for their customers. All that’s required is to provide some information on the particular style and the line, and the retailer can place a direct order for the Beautifeel shoes for women that the customer has in mind.

How About Online?

Online shopping has opened up a whole new market where consumers can find the Beautifeel shoes they want. With relatively few obstacles related to the customer’s location, it’s possible for anyone residing in most parts of the world to compare designs, find the right colour and size, and place an order for the shoes they want.

This has led to people discovering Beautifeel women’s shoes in areas where the brand was not previously known. Along with ordering directly from the company’s website, there’s also the option of purchasing the footwear from a number of reputable online shoe retailers. You can do a little online shopping right this minute soon be the proud owner of your first pair of Beautifeel shoes for women.

Can I Expect Support as Well as Style?

With all the emphasis on design and appearance, one might think that support would take a back seat. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s possible to compare the support offered by various Beautifeel shoes designs with similar footwear offered by other brands and find that Beautifeel women’s shoes come out on top.

This is true with all of the collections. If you need shoes for the office that will provide adequate support all day long, they are there for you. The same is true for footwear suitable for wearing while you shop, run errands, work out, or spend some time at a resort. If you can think of the occasion, there are Beautifeel shoes for women that will ensure your feet and legs never tire because of a lack of support.

What About Comfort?

Style and support do not have to come at the expense of comfort. You’ll find that different designs for Beautifeel shoes provide cushioning that make it almost seem as if you are walking barefoot across a thick carpet. Along with feeling good to the soles of your feet, the materials used for the rest of the shoes have just enough give and take to move with your feet instead of rubbing against them. The result is that the footwear feels good to every part of the foot.

This is true for Beautifeel women’s shoes designed for any type of weather one can imagine. From something to keep your feet warm in winter to footwear that allows your feet to breathe during the summer months, you can depend on the shoes feeling good all day long.

Why Should I Try Beautifeel When I Already Like Another Brand?

It’s understandable that you might be a little skeptical about trying a pair of Beautifeel shoes for women, especially if you already have a favourite brand. The think to remember is that you first discovered that favourite brand when you decided to give them a try. That’s all it takes to demonstrate that Beautifeel shoes are right for you: trying a single pair and realizing they really are everything you want in a pair of shoes.

Now is the time to satisfy your curiosity and try that first pair. Look online today and find a pair that will be ideal to wear for an upcoming event or even as something you can enjoy on weekends. Take the time to explore several different collections of Beautifeel women’s shoes and make a note of any designs that catch your eye. Once you try the first pair and decide that you want more, you can always go back and start building your own personal collection of Beautifeel shoes for women.

Brutal Shoes for Brutal Men

Shoes for Brutal Men

Brutalism is hot, but it’s not recent. The term was first applied to architecture in the early to mid 20th century that was stark, almost crude in its simplicity, and sported sharp and severe lines. Movies in the late 1960‘s sometimes employed fashions that were considered to be examples of brutalism. Today, you can purchase men’s casual shoes that are considered brutal.

So what’s the statement brutal men make when they choose brutal footwear? Here are some thoughts that will help you understand the appeal of this particular fashion statement.

Brutal is Uncomplicated

One of the primary factors that makes shoes, clothing, and even tattoos brutal is the uncomplicated nature of the design. It’s not unusual for the shoes to utilize black leather and be relatively free of any type of ornamentation. The goal is to present a look that is basically bare but still provides plenty of protection for the feet.

The man who likes to keep things simple while still projecting an image of stark masculinity would go for this type of shoe. He would also likely sit down with tattoo artists and choose designs that are free from a lot of colour, basically black just like the shoes and clothing, and includes some image that is easily associated with an alpha male. The message is clear and leaves no room for misunderstanding.

Brutal Doesn’t Care About Trends

While one could argue that brutalism is a trend, others would say it’s simply a means of personal expression that is not bound by current fads. While it may fall in and out of fashion from time to time, those who prefer the starkness, the sharp lines, and the simplicity are not typically concerned about which way the winds of fads happen to blow. They know what they like, that’s what they choose to wear, and there’s no room for argument.

Brutal Fits Into Any Season

Brutal shoes aren’t limited by season either. The brutal man may not have a large collection of footwear, but he will have options that are in line with his personal style and happen to work with any type of weather.

Not everyone knows it, but brutal footwear is not just boots. There are also shoes that sport the brutal style. You can even find sandals that would be considered a brutal design. That makes it easy to always have something that is right for the season.

People may wonder about the linings found in brutal shoes and boots intended for winter wear. The linings are sometimes fixed and sometimes removable. In any case, they are made from practical materials that help to protect the feet from the cold and the moisture. Combined with the durable materials used for the boot shell, you can bet they provide ample protection.

Remember that brutalism is more than a statement about fashion or personal taste. It is a defining factor in the way a man views the world at large and himself in particular. From selecting the right body art at one of the better tattoo walk-in shops to investing in clothing and footwear that give that view outward expression, it’s about being true to the self.

How To Choose The Perfect Women`s Winter Boots

Perhaps you already have a pair or two of boots for the winter months. The thing is that while they will do well in some situations, they are not quite right for others. Just as you tend to expand your collection of shoes for women when the spring or summer rolls around, it makes sense to invest in new boots that prepare you for just about any activity you may enjoy during the winter months. Try these tips and finding the ideal pair of boots to add to your collection will be a lot easier.

Identify the Essentials

While you may need more than one pair of women’s boot shoes for winter, all of them will need to possess certain qualities. It’s up to you to decide which features all of your footwear must have in order to serve you well. To give you some ideas, here are a few basics to keep in mind.

Whether you are investing in women’s slipper shoes to wear when you remove your winter boots or would like a cute pair of women’s toe thong shoes to slip into once you get to work, it pays to make sure they are comfortable. There’s no rule that says style has to pinch the toes or irritate the backs of your heels. Ideally, everything from women’s walking shoes to the ski boots you buy for that annual long weekend each November should leave your feet feeling protected and comfortable.

Think About the Occasion

You will need more than one pair of boots to get you through all sorts of winter occasions. This is no different from the fact you needed a nice pair of women’s casual shoes this past spring to wear when you shop for a Rolex watch, and a different pair of women’s cross train shoes to wear when you were working out. Keep in mind the boots you choose for winter will need to cover the widest range of occasions as possible.

One strategy that will help is to do the same thing you’ve done in the past when selecting women’s dress shoes. Think about the activities you normally engage in every winter season. Don’t forget one-time events that occur around holidays, or annual trips you make with friends or family in your luxury car. Your goal is to ensure that no matter what type of event should arise, you can reach into the closet and select a pair of boots that are just right.

It’s fine if you only wear them once during the season. After all, they will still come in handy when winter comes around next year.

Do You Need a Certain Type of Support?

The level of support needed for those women’s boot shoes will vary a bit from one person to the next. Your goal is to find boots that provide the type of support you need. One way to find the right support is to take cues from the other footwear in your collection.

You can bet that the support offered by your women’s clog shoes or the women’s walking shoes you wear for those evening walks will also apply to the boots. Think about the size, shape, and even the height of the heels that combine to give you support and maintain a reasonable amount of comfort. Any pair of winter boots you consider must ensure your feet don’t begin to tire and that your lower legs don’t become tense. This is especially important if you will be wearing the boots for several hours and standing for much of the time.

Finding the Proper Fit

Have you ever tried on a pair of shoes or boots thinking they were the perfect size and they didn’t fit at all? If so, don’t feel alone. Some manufacturers use slightly different criteria for determining the measurements on their products. When you try a similar shoe or boot made by a different manufacturer, the fit may be a lot better.

Just as you are careful about the brand for your women’s rain boot shoes or women’s running shoes, apply the same standards for any brand of boots you consider. A good way to begin your search is to find out of the brands you already know fit perfectly happen to have lines of winter boots. The cut and the measurements are likely to be the same as for the other footwear designed for those brands. You may even find the right pair on your very first try.

Keeping Upright on the Ice

One of the more important features you require with any pair of women’s cross train shoes is soles that prevent skidding or slipping. You definitely want any pair of winter boots you buy to provide that same benefit.

Nothing is quite as disconcerting as walking along a city street with your arms full of packages you just purchased and stepping onto a slick spot of ice. If your boots don’t provide much in the way of skid control, there’s an excellent chance that your feet will go in one direction while your packages go in a different one. Along with the bruising to your ego, the landing will likely be a little painful too. The fact that you will have to struggle back to your feet and collect your packages doesn’t make the experience any more pleasant.

Even if there are only a few days during the winter when patches of ice develop, be prepared for them. Always ensure the boots you choose will keep you upright and allow you to get where you need to go without slipping.

Dealing With the Slush

If it isn’t ice or snow, then you can expect to have days when there’s nothing but slush on the sidewalks. That’s not the type of weather that calls for wearing your best pair of women’s dress shoes, but it does mean wearing a pair of winter boots that will keep your feet dry and warm. You also want the boots to be made of materials that repel the moisture and will not appear stained. This is important since you will need to clean the boots later. Things will be a lot easier if the material remains relatively dry and you can gently wipe away any reside using a clean towel or cloth.

Short or Tall Boots?

Along with the practical aspects of being comfortable, offering support, and offering protection from the elements, do you prefer short or tall boots? Perhaps your current collection includes some of both types. That’s because the shorter versions are better for some occasions while a tall pair is better for other settings.

You wouldn’t dream of having only one pair of women’s dress boot shoes to get you through any season. Consider investing in a pair that works well with the outfits you wear to work. Perhaps shorter boots would be ideal when you wear a suit while a taller pair would work well when you opt for a skirt or dress. For an evening out, the taller boots may be more practical and stylish. When the plan is to have a cozy dinner at a local restaurant, a shorter pair may be just right.

Colour and Style

What colours and styles are already represented in your footwear collection? Just as you would want to have a pair of basic black women’s dress or casual shoes on hand, it never hurts to have a pair of black winter boots. When in doubt, these will work with all sorts of casual and dressy attire. Remember that if you are attending a formal event, it’s perfectly acceptable to take along a nice pair of pumps to change into once you reach your destination.

The choice of style should always be in line with your personality. While you may temper things a bit based on the occasion or setting, opt for colors and styles that reflect who you happen to be. Something that works flawlessly with the outfits you normally select for the occasion will provide clues for colours as well as general designs. From women’s rain boot shoes to something to wear for a weekend in the great outdoors, it won’t be hard to choose the perfect hue and style.

Something Simple or More Daring?

Remember the advice about being true to your own personality and sense of personal style? You did that when you purchased those beautiful women’s toe thong shoes this past summer, and again when you needed a new pair of women’s casual shoes for the autumn. You even plan on following the same basic pattern when you buy women’s clog shoes for the spring. Why not take the same approach to finding the right boots for the upcoming winter?

Consider having at least one pair that is as basic or simple in design as possible. Just like the women’s slide shoes you keep on hand for various events, you want the boots to be versatile. Today, there are all sorts of accessories you could use to dress them up if necessary. The rest of the time, the simple look will blend in nicely with whatever outfit you choose.

You also need at least one pair of winter boots that are a little more ornate or daring. Perhaps they include more than one colour or they have embellishments that help to call attention to the graceful lines of your feet and lower legs. They will come in handy when you are in the mood to impress a new acquaintance or just feel like dressing up the outfit a little. From buckles to the stitching, it’s easy to find little touches that make the boots stand out from the competition.

Fur or No Fur?

This is one of the ongoing debates that women have almost every winter. Do you want boots that are lined with fur, and possibly have a little bit around the top of each boot? Maybe you are more comfortable with boots with padding made using synthetic materials. It really boils down to your personal sense of style.

Remember that if you like the look of fur but also prefer the simple care that comes with synthetic liners, it is possible to purchase high quality winter boots that are lined with faux fur. As you check out the manufacture’s description, you will discover what type of material is used and what it will do in terms of keeping the feet warm.

It’s true that a little fur made from the real thing or synthetic blends can add a decorative as well as a practical touch to your women’s dress boot shoes. Opt for a shade that blends in with the rest of the boot, or go with fur that adds a little more visual interest as well as warmth. To be on the safe side, consider a boot design that would allow you to remove the fur lining for some occasions and then slide it back in position for other events.

Taking Proper Care of Your New Boots

You want your new winter boots to look great no matter what the weather is doing. As you compare different brands and styles, make sure you understand what type of maintenance and upkeep they will require. That includes knowing what type of cleaning agents you can use without damaging the shell, and what sort of polish and protecting agents you can employ to reduce signs of wear and tear.

This is similar to what you already do with your women’s running shoes or your women’s sandal shoes. In fact, some of the same cleaning agents that you use for the other footwear in your collection may also be suitable for those new boots. Remember to buy the right products at the same time you purchase the boots. That will ensure you have everything on hand to keep them looking their best.

You already know that purchasing women’s dress or casual shoes along with women’s slipper shoes or a great pair of women’s sandal shoes requires more than a quick look at what’s on sale. As you compare options for those new winter boots, feel free to take your time and consider everything from material to support to colour. Doing so will ensure that you enjoy that new pair of winter boots just as much as the women’s slide shoes you purchased last spring.

The Key to Clothes Shopping with Your Kids

When you need to buy your children new clothes at the start of the new school year, you may feel something akin to existential dread.

Not only do you need to find things which will fit them and be decent to wear, but they also need to like it and wear it when you return home, and if you’ve danced this dance before, you know it’s anything but easy.

However, experts at ModerneChild may have some useful tips on how to make the shopping trip far less painful and tedious than it is shaping up to be.

Manage Expectations from the Start

This is often the problem when you actually go shopping; you have one thing in mind, while your children have dreamed up something completely other.

The discrepancy between the expectation and what is offered can be a source of turmoil and potential conflict between you and your children.

Before you go out shopping, talk to your children and reach an agreement about what you will need to buy and how much you can spend on it.

Finding Ideas Online

If you want to see what you can expect to see in the stores today, there are plenty of clothing stores online. Go through a couple of pages online and you may find some things you and your children both agree on.

What’s more, if you decide to buy your clothes online, perhaps you can avoid all of the hassle altogether. There are plenty of unique children’s clothing stores online where you can find all you need and more.


Consider what kinds of shoes your kids may need when they get back to school. Depending on where you are, it can get fairly cold really quickly, so don’t be afraid to look a bit ahead and buy more than one pair of different types of footwear.

Buying online can once again give you the edge of not having to actually go into the stores and facing that dreaded sentence ‘We don’t have that model in stock’ when your child has their mind set on it.

Buying online, you can get your wanted model no matter where it is ‘in stock’ and it will arrive to your address no matter where it is shipped from.

Trade Concessions

You will need to compromise on some things, there’s really no way around it. Let your kids pick some of the clothes they really want, but in return, you need to ensure that you get to buy them some clothes which they can wear to school on a day-to-day basis.

Teach Them to Budget Early

Another way you can hope to limit the potential problems is to tell your kids how much money can be spent on their clothes.

Once they see how much money they have to buy clothes and what they need, they may be persuaded to concede and buy rationally. However, this approach requires you to be adamant about the money that can be spent and not give in.

Buy Some Things Ahead

You know that the prices for back-to-school clothes now will be a bit overblown because it is the high season for that type of clothes.

However, if you plan a bit ahead, you may be able to get some major discounts.

Even though the fall might be far away and you aren’t considering rubber boots and light jackets essential shopping, look around.

You may be surprised how cheap they are right now. If you can reach a consensus with your kids about what they will wear this fall, you can pinch some clothes a lot cheaper and make sure that they are not sold out.


Even if you are not a person who normally buys with coupons and discounts, look around for those. Buying all new clothes can be fairly expensive and getting even a 10-15% discount can mean big savings, especially if you have more than one child.

As you can see, shopping for clothes will never be stress-free or even conflict-free, but you can mitigate the fallout with a few good tips and always remember to plan just a bit ahead.

Buying Shoes Online. Pros and Cons.

online shopping

Your dream pair of shoes is only a store away, but is that changing? With the influx of online shopping, the shoe industry has been turned on its head. Shoe stores used to be packed, and although they still see business, the online shoe stores have been starting to get a few strides ahead. Today, there are dozens of Canadian shoe retailers that cater to Canadian online shoppers. While the number of online shoe retailers has increased ten-fold, with many now offering to ship to Canada. There are plenty of options, and no matter if you are looking to buy shoes online or in store, the choice is all yours. In this article, we are going to take a bit of a deep dive into the pros and cons of shoe shopping online.

online shoe shopping

Naturally, this is a bit of a big question to answer, so we are going to walk through a few sections to dissect and discover some of these pros and cons. First, we will look at some of the psyches around why people buy online. Then we will look at some of the pros of online shoe shopping, and follow up with some of the cons of buying online shoes. Finally, we will touch on some of the Canadian stores that have embraced both foot traffic and online traffic to create hybrid stores that work.

Why people buy online

The move to the online realm has been quick, and for those who have embraced e-commerce, the results have been amazing. The human psyche is one that loves to gain information and part of the reason why online shopping is popular is due to information overload by the consumer. There are many reasons people buy products online, and here are a few of them.

online stock

We all love to compare prices and selection but online shopping has allowed online retailers to truly dominate the market. An online store allows consumers to compare prices in milliseconds, and with access to a warehouse full of inventory, it should be no surprise why so many have gone online for all their shopping needs.

As well, people always enjoy a great deal, and online retailers are often the most competitive in the market. This is often being one of the top reasons for shopping online, and especially when you consider that cyber only deals are on the rise. This goes for electronics, shoes and even food, as no matter where you look, you can always find a great deal online!

online secure payment

Many people wonder is it safe shop online? The answer is yes, and the reason is many leading retailers, in fact, have sophisticated security protocols for their online shoppers as a safe shopping environment will ensure shoppers will spend. According to many security experts, online shopping is just as safe as in person shopping, and that is something we can all appreciate.

Pros of online shoe shopping

buying shoes

Shoe shopping is always a bit of a struggle when dealing with traditional shopping, but when you add up the walking and trying on the shoes, it turns into an effort that takes an entire day. When you are considering heading out to the mall, the question is why have you not considered online shoe shopping? Well, it is time to look at the pros of buying shoes online and we have brought together six of the top pros for online shoe shopping!

  • Convenience

free shoe delivery

Look, humans can be a bit of a lazy species and when it comes to convenience, there is nothing better than online shoe shopping. When you are needing a new pair of kicks, with online shopping, they are only a click away. Today’s online marketplace will allow you to peruse the top brands and styles with a couple of scrolls of your mouse, and best of all compare prices across a few sites. Convenience is worth its weight in gold, and with a number of companies offering free shoe delivery, what is stopping you from ordering?

  • Price Comparisons with a couple of clicks

price comparison

There are several advantages to buying shoes online, but one of the best aspects is the ability to do price comparisons. Unlike walking around the mall, online retailers allow uses to easily and simply compare dozens of companies for a specific online shoe. These price comparison tools allow users to showcase different pricing models, including cyber and in-store deals or specials.

  • Discounts and Notifications to your email and phone

online coupons and deals

With online shopping, there is always the benefit of instant discounts and notifications that can be sent to your e-mail or applied in shopping cart. These deals are one of the best reasons to always look to purchase shoes online, and being notified of these deals are never a bad thing! If you are a frequent shopper, there are some amazing stores that will reward your shopping, so always look, and take advantage of stacking coupons and deals online.

  •  Infinite Choice with a click of a button

Canada nationwide delivery

Now, this might be a con as well, but when you are online shoe shopping, you will have a practically infinite choice. There are hundreds of retailers here in Canada that can help deliver an online shoe shopping experience, and when you expand this to US and European retailers, the choices are practically endless. This is not a bad thing, but for those who are a little less decisive, you might be spending some more time clicking through sites than you would expect.

  • Easy access to customer reviews

online customer reviews

When you are looking to buy shoes online in Canada, it is always good to look at the customer reviews. These reviews will ensure you are buying a product that will last and will review the fit, the style and of course the wear of the sneaker, heel or flat. Customer reviews are an essential part of any online shopping experience, as they provide the consumer with an honest opinion from people who bought the shoes in the past. These reviews help carry the conversation for sneakerheads, and when it comes to deciding, these reviews will ensure you find the perfect fit for you and your feet.

  • No pressure sales all without commission

online shoe shopping

Nothing is worse than dealing with a high-pressured sales experience, and online shopping ensures that you can skip the pressure, and just focus on the shoes. When it comes to online shopping, the lack of pressure is naturally one of the pros of the online shoe shopping experience. You can peruse the various sneakers in peace, and make a decision that is perfect for you, rather than dealing with a salesperson pushing you towards the highest commission shoe. Online shopping is a lifesaver, and with no pressure sales, it is a shopping experience that will truly change your shoe game.

Cons of buying shoes online

When it comes to buying shoes online, it is not always the best fit. In this section, we are going to be looking at some of the cons of show shopping online, and no matter if you are looking for heels or flats, sometimes it can be a bit of a struggle to find the perfect pair online. Here are some of the downsides of online shopping for shoes.

  • You can’t try shoes on when shopping online

shopping online

One of the biggest disadvantages of online shoe shopping is the simple fact that you cannot try things on. Shoes require the perfect fit, as if they are too small or large you can struggle with soars or blisters that will ruin your day. Without the ability to try a pair of shoes on, you will have to not only wait for the shoes to arrive, but you will have to return the pair to a storefront if they do not fit for a refund. The lack of an ability to try shoes on can be a bit of a struggle for those that have larger or smaller feet and requires customers to often order multiple sizes to ensure they get the right fit.

  • You can’t always talk to someone immediately

shopping for clothes

If you are experiencing a bit of an issue with your shoes returns, it can be a bit difficult to talk to someone to assist you with your issues. No matter if you are dealing with mispricing or delivery issues, online retailers often take a bit to get back to consumers due to a smaller staff than traditional brick and mortar locations. Plus, if you are trying to work out a complicated return, you will need to ensure you have some patience and an afternoon to spend negotiating a practically impenetrable telephone tree.

  • Privacy and Security concerns

security concerns

Although many of the major retailers have some of the best online security in the business, things happen. This is especially true when you consider smaller online stores do not have the security parameters to protect your privacy nor data. The online realm is always a concern, and with companies like IBM and Sony being hacked, it should come to no one’s surprise that even the biggest brick and mortar stores that have an online presence are susceptible to cyber concerns.
Shoe Stores in Canada.

Hybrid stores

When you consider the habits and decisions of some of the largest retailers and companies in the world, they all have one simple thing in common. Those who are successful adapt to market conditions and for Canadian shoe retailers, the adaption to the online market has been crucial for their success. Canadian shoe stores have been the ultimate example of success in the shoe industry, so what does that mean?

Hybrid stores are a new type of shoe boutiques that combine both the online realm and the traditional brick and mortar store to appeal to all customers. When you consider some of the top retailers such as Nine West, Shoe Company and Designer Shoe Warehouse, the one thing that you should in common is a simple fact that they are hybrid retailers. No matter if you are looking for a Canadian shoe store, or something from Europe or somewhere in between, a hybrid store is the future of the industry.

Plus, the simple fact that you can easily find an online shoe locator, you will quickly be able to spot your next pair of shoes. Some of the top brands are available both online and in store, and I you are looking to buy shoes in Canada, hybrid stores are generally your best choice for the greatest selection and best pricing in the industry.

Some final thoughts

online shoe shopping

The online shoe industry has quickly become one of the largest retailers in the country, and with its ease of use and great options, it is no surprise to anyone. In this article, we considered the psyche of why people go online to shop and some of the pros of shoe shopping online including; convenience, price comparisons, discounts and notifications, infinite choice, easy access to reviews and no pressure sales. Then we touched on some of the cons of online shoe shopping which included; issues around trying shoes on, not being able to talk to store clerks and of course privacy and security. Then we finished up by touching on the new era of the shoe store the hybrid store.

So, what now? Well, the shoe industry has been ever changed by the influx of online shopping, the ability to peruse thousands of shoes with a click of a button has changed the very way many people shop. However, the brick and mortar store is still an essential part of the shopping experience, and no matter if you are looking for some time to kill, or need something fast, the need for physical stores will never cease. The industry in Canada is moving into a new era, and hybrid stores will quickly become the only ones that survive. We have seen giants like Future Shop, Zellers and Sears die due to the influx of online consumers, and hybrid stores are truly the best of both worlds. Many retailers offer a pick up or ship option, and with free shipping, great selections and even better pricing, hybrid shoe stores are truly the future of the shoe industry here in Canada.