Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolution with a New Pair of Runners


The New Year will be here in no time. That means sitting down and making a few resolutions. If some of those happen to do with getting in better shape, investing in a pair of New Balance running shoes needs to be at the top of the list. Here are some of the qualities to look for in the shoes and increase the odds of keeping that resolution.

  • Cushioning Matters

One of the first things to consider about any type of running shoes is the amount of padding or cushioning built into the product. Keep in mind that running places roughly three to five times the pressure of your body weight on the feet. People who are of a larger stature in particular want cushioning that helps to absorb some of that pressure. The result is that your legs will not tire as quickly and the feet will not be aching as you seek to make it around one more block

  • Arch Support is a Must

You also want a pair of New Balance shoes that provides a reasonable amount of support for the arches. The cushioning does help, but be on the lookout for the shape of the shoe itself and the materials used to provide the underlying support for the arch. The idea is to make sure the arch is kept in a natural position during the run and the walking that you will use to cool down afterward. When the arches are not overly stressed, it will be easier for you to stick with your exercise regimen and begin to tone those leg and thigh muscles.

  • Running in Style

Who says that you can’t look good while you are out for your morning run? A lot of thought goes into choosing the right type of running outfit for the current weather conditions, so apply the same approach to choosing your running shoes. Find colors that will serve you well no matter whether your running outfit happens to be a jogging suit for colder weather or a pair of shorts and a tank top when warmer weather returns.

  • Shoes for the Long Haul

Price does matter when choosing running shoes. Instead of trying to save a few bucks, invest in a pair of New Balance shoes that will hold up well to a lot of use. Spending more up front means not having to replace those running shoes by the end of the coming year. A quality pair will last you for at least two to three years with little maintenance involved.

Now is the time to start looking at different designs and find out what features are included. Think about colours, cushioning, and the amount of arch support included in that design. Don’t forget to think about how often you plan on running each week and what type of terrain you will encounter. With a little planning, it won’t be hard to find the New Balance shoe option that will make keeping your New Year’s fitness resolution a little easier.